Best Pot For Venus Fly Trap: Carnivorous Containers!

Hey there, plant enthusiasts and insect lovers! In this article, we will learn about Venus flytraps and the best containers for them. You see, these carnivorous beauties have specific needs regarding their humble abodes. So, we must find the perfect homes for them!

The best pot for a Venus flytrap is one that is small and has holes in the bottom. Choose a plastic or clay pot that is wider than deep for a plant with short roots. This lets air move properly and keeps water from getting in. Make sure the pot has holes in the bottom so water can drain. Root rot can happen if you use deep pots or tubs that don’t drain. 

With that said, let’s look at everything you need to know about Venus flytrap pots!

Best Pot For Venus Fly Trap: Carnivorous Containers!

A Quick Look at Venus Flytraps

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a popular species of carnivorous plant. Charles Darwin called it “one of the most wonderful plants in the world” after studying it in the late 1800s.

Most of what this plant eats are small bugs. In fact, this plant’s main food source is ants. This plant also eats spiders, beetles, flies, and other tiny animals. Nowadays, the sap produced from a Venus Flytrap is sold as a kind of medicine. It is used to treat many kinds of illnesses, even in some pets. Even though the plant eats meat, it helps people with HIV and skin cancer.

Questions You Should Ask Before Getting a Pot for a Venus Flytrap

Time to get into what you should be asking when looking for a pot for your beloved Venus flytrap. Picking the perfect planter is not an easy task. It requires careful consideration of several key factors.

What is the Best Pot Size for Venus Flytrap?

When it comes to Venus flytraps, size does matter – so make sure to pick a pot that fits just right. These plants love a spacious home! Small to medium-sized flytraps can survive in a cozy 3-inch pot, but the bigger ones require a 4-inch or 6-inch pot to spread their roots.

What Kind of Pot is Best for a Carnivorous Plant?

Venus flytraps grow exceptionally well in pots made from styrofoam, plastic, or glazed ceramic. They keep your plants from getting too hot or cold and are safe for their growth. They don’t let minerals penetrate the soil. But the best thing about these pots is that they provide the highest level of protection for your flytraps and are very cheap. 

Does the Shape of the Pot Matter?

No, the shape of the pot doesn’t matter much. Venus flytraps are tiny plants that only reach about 5 inches high and spread their roots when fully grown. So, they do not require very big pots, but wide ones are good. Roots can grow in pots that are adequate in size. The Venus flytrap’s larger, stronger roots allow it to absorb water.

Our Top Picks for the Best Pot for Venus Flytraps

Discover the perfect blend of style and function – a rare gem that’s hard to come by. The listed pots are ideal examples of those that fit the requirements. See if something catches your eye!

Adult-Sized Red Dragon Plant 3-inch Pot

The width of the net pot that comes with this item is 3 inches. The size will perfectly fit your needs. You’ll find a unique and fully grown Red Dragon Venus Flytrap plant in the package. Since it is already growing, you don’t have to worry about setting it up from scratch. 

There is also no need for concern about properly maintaining your brand-new plant. The package comes with a complete maintenance guide that tells you everything you need to know. And guess what? The package also offers an adequate supply of unpacked sphagnum moss, which you can use to fill the pot nicely.

Adult-Sized Venus Flytrap Plant 3-inch Pot

This package comes with a handy 3-inch net container. It’s the perfect size for your new green companion, giving your plant enough room to grow. But there’s more! The package also comes with sphagnum moss, which can be mixed with dirt to make a mix for carnivorous plants. This moss will help your Venus flytrap and other plants in your collection grow in a healthy setting. 

They’ve also included an adult Venus flytrap plant that is still alive, growing, and even blooming. You’ll be able to see its beautiful blooms for yourself. The seller has also compiled a list of commonly asked questions and a potting plan to improve your experience. They provide all the information and make housing your new plant simple.

Venus Flytrap Plant Terrarium 

Prepare for a fun addition to your collection: an alive and well Venus flytrap. This amazing plant has flowers resembling jaws and is great at catching insects that crawl or don’t fly. You can grow it in a pot for killer plants, in an aquarium, or anywhere else that is appropriate. As a houseplant, the Venus flytrap will catch mosquitoes and bugs and eat them. It’s nature’s way of getting rid of bugs!

Consider putting this plant in a Venus flytrap pot so that its beauty can be seen. Fill it with a carnivorous soil mix that gives your plant what it needs to grow well. You can add your own Dionaea Muscipula seeds if you want the plant to grow even better. Just make sure to put them in the dirt with a lot of nutrients.

Factors for Why Drainage is Key

When selecting the perfect pot and soil for your Venus flytraps, carefully consider the drainage system. Here are the facts you need to know for properly growing Venus flytraps.


Venus flytraps can develop in pots that don’t have drainage channels. But you should avoid such pots. Venus flytraps don’t do well in water that doesn’t move, and problems like root rot can kill them. It has various advantages.

  • A draining ingredient in the soil makes the earth looser and stops roots from growing.
  • Proper drainage provides fresh air and keeps the plant from rotting or growing mold.
  • The dirt doesn’t get packed down when you use pots with drains.


The water tray method is a great way to feed Venus flytraps which works best with pots with channels in the bottom. It’s easy to use the water tray technique. A Venus flytrap container with holes at the bottom, a bit of water, and a tray are all that’s required to get started.

Here are the steps for putting a Venus flytrap’s water tray plan into action:

  • Put the Venus flytrap pot in the water tray.
  • Fill the water tray with clean water until it is just over an inch deep.
  • Don’t put extra water in.
  • Pause till the water is almost dry before putting more water in the tray.


When you water your Venus flytrap, remember that there are some rules to follow. Looking at some of the precautions to take while maintaining these plants can help.

  • Avoid watering Venus flytraps directly. Above-ground watering can trigger leaf diseases. A Venus flytrap needs approximately one inch of water to survive.
  • Don’t overwater the plant. The soil, moss, and twigs will soak up part of the moisture and release it slowly. 
  • Venus flytraps need distilled water. Tap water is too mineral-rich for them. Rather, you should use water filtered by reverse osmosis, rainfall, or distillation. 

Soil Mixes For Venus Flytraps

The key to the ideal soil for cultivating Venus flytrap plants includes an acidic mix rich in decomposing biological material.

Creating your very own custom soil mixture for Venus flytrap plants is fairly simple to do. You will require a mixture of sphagnum peat moss and perlite. Mix all the above items in an even ratio, and you will soon have the ideal soil to plant a Venus flytrap.

  • Combine sand, peat moss, and perlite. Next, soak the mixture without making it spongy. 
  • The Venus flytrap needs a pot with a good drainage system to avoid decaying roots. Cover the base of the root with the soil mix and softly massage it to solidify.
  • Carefully check the soil’s moisture level to ensure it remains damp without becoming soaked.


Should I put a Venus flytrap in a pot?

Yes, your Venus flytrap should be planted in a pot. A pot gives the plant’s roots a place to develop and keeps the soil at the right amount of hydration. As a bonus, this method makes managing the plant simple and reduces the chances that its roots will spread wildly.

When should I repot my Venus flytrap?

Don’t disturb your Venus flytrap’s beauty sleep. Wait until late winter or early spring to give it a new pot to call home. The plant needs time to settle in and get comfortable with its new container and soil. Prevent repotting Venus flytraps when they are in the middle of growing. Ideally, choose a pot with adequate space for growth while supporting the plant’s roots and soil mixture.

What is the aftercare method for ensuring the safety of the Venus flytrap and pot?

A strong and thriving Venus flytrap plant results from careful care in an ideal environment. Here is a list of the most important things to consider when raising Venus flytraps.

Soil: Use rich soil for carnivorous plants.
Pot: Look for plastic or polished clay pots with draining holes.
Temperature: Maintain a temperature of more than 20°F and less than 100°F.
Space: Growing Venus flytraps outside will give you top-notch output.
Water: Water the soil with distilled or rainwater to keep it damp.
Light: Ensure that roughly 6 hours of indirect sunshine or lighting is provided.

Do Venus flytraps like terracotta pots?

Avoid terracotta pots like a fly from a Venus flytrap if you want your plant to thrive. They have an incredibly fluid interior, meaning they will take in water but not let it out. They are also quite bad at not discharging nutrients into the ground. Neither carnivorous plants nor Venus flytraps do well in them.


If you keep the abovementioned factors in mind when choosing a container, you are bound to get the best pot for Venus Flytrap plants. Go for a shallow container with good drainage—think plastic or ceramic. And don’t forget the right soil mix of moss, perlite, and sand. Keep your little green buddy in a bright spot, but not in direct sunlight. Water with distilled or rainwater because tap water is not recommended. Oh, and resist the urge to play chef—let your Flytrap catch its own meals. Lastly, give it some love during winter by finding a cool spot for a little beauty sleep. Happy growing!

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