Best Pot For Snake Plant: Our Top Picks And Recommendations!

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Best Pot For Snake Plant: Our Top Picks And Recommendations!

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Snake plants are great indoor plants due to their high resilience and low maintenance requirements. While it is true that they will thrive in just about any kind of pot, you should be aware of which ones best suit these little green troopers. Hence, a few factors must be considered when selecting the best pot for snake plants. Not only do you want a visually appealing pot, but you also want one that is practical for your plant’s needs. Regarding aesthetics, there are many different pot materials and styles to choose from. 

Some popular options include ceramic, terracotta, and metal pots. Ceramic pots add color and texture to your space, while terracotta pots are more rustic and earthy. Metal pots like copper or brass can add a sleek, modern look to your decor. 

Choosing a pot that is the right size for your snake plant is also essential. You don’t want a pot that is too small, as this can restrict the plant’s growth and cause it to become root-bound. On the other hand, a pot that is too large can lead to overwatering and soil that stays wet for too long. When selecting a pot for your snake plant, consider your space’s overall style and aesthetic. You want the pot to complement your decor, but you also want to ensure it provides the right environment for your plant to thrive.

best pot for snake plant

Snake Plant Pot Size

The pot size for a snake plant can vary depending on the size of the plant and its growth stage. Here are a few pot options that will suit your snake plants:

Terracotta Pots

Terracotta pots are ideal for snake plants. The porous nature of terracotta allows for better airflow and drainage, preventing waterlogging and root rot. The natural clay material also provides stability and promotes a healthy root system. Terracotta pots are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, enhancing the natural beauty of snake plants while maintaining their overall well-being.

Ceramic Pots

Ceramic pots are a popular choice for snake plants. They provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing option for displaying these low-maintenance houseplants. Ceramic pots offer excellent breathability and drainage, promoting healthy root growth and preventing overwatering. With various colors, finishes, and sizes, ceramic pots can complement any interior decor while providing a stable and secure base for snake plants.

Concrete Pots

Concrete pots are sturdy and durable containers that provide a sleek and modern look for snake plants. They are made from concrete material, which offers stability and a neutral aesthetic that complements the plant’s green foliage. These pots are suitable for indoor and outdoor use, providing a stable base for the snake plant while adding an element of design to any space.

Plastic Pots

Plastic pots are a popular choice for snake plants due to their durability, lightweight nature, and affordability. They provide adequate drainage to prevent any risk of waterlogging and promote healthy root growth. The smooth surface of plastic pots also makes it easier to clean and maintain proper hygiene. 

Also, plastic pots are available in various sizes, colors, and designs, allowing you to find one that suits your aesthetic preferences. Overall, plastic pots offer a practical and convenient option for housing snake plants.

Woven Baskets

Woven baskets are an ideal choice for displaying snake plants. These baskets provide a stylish and natural look, complementing the plant’s aesthetic. The woven texture allows for proper air circulation, promoting healthy root growth and preventing water stagnation. 

Also, the baskets offer a decorative touch, enhancing the overall appearance of the snake plant and its surroundings. With their durable construction and versatile design, woven baskets are a popular option for showcasing snake plants while adding a touch of warmth and texture to any space.

Hanging Pots

Hanging pots are a great option for snake plants. They provide an elegant, space-saving solution, allowing the snake plant’s trailing leaves to cascade beautifully. Choose a hanging pot with proper drainage to prevent overwatering and ensure the plant’s health. 

Consider materials like ceramic or woven baskets that complement your decor and provide adequate support. Hang the pot in a location with bright, indirect light, and remember to water the snake plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Self-watering Pots 

A self-watering pot for a snake plant is a convenient and efficient way to ensure proper hydration without constant monitoring. These pots typically consist of a reservoir that holds water, a wicking mechanism, and a pot that houses the plant. The wick absorbs water from the reservoir and transports it to the plant’s roots as needed, maintaining a consistent moisture level. Self-watering systems help prevent overwatering or underwatering, promoting healthier growth and reducing maintenance efforts.

Different Types of Snake Plants

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are popular houseplants known for their toughness and unique foliage. There are several different types of snake plants, each with their distinct features. Here are some notable variants:

Sansevieria Trifasciata

Sansevieria Trifasciata, popularly known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, is a popular, easy-to-care-for indoor plant. It belongs to the Asparagaceae family and is native to tropical regions of West Africa. The plant features long, upright leaves that are typically green with variegated patterns of yellow or white. It is a succulent plant with thick, fleshy leaves that store water, enabling it to tolerate drought conditions.

These plants are known for their resilience and adaptability, making them suitable for beginner gardeners or those with limited time for plant care. They can be propagated through leaf cuttings or division of the rhizome, allowing for easy propagation and the possibility of expanding your snake plant collection. These snake plants can live for many years with proper care, adding beauty and air-purifying benefits to indoor spaces.

Sansevieria Trifasciata Superba

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Superba’ is a cultivar of Sansevieria Trifasciata. Sansevieria Trifasciata Superba is a popular houseplant known for its long, upright leaves that are dark green with light green horizontal stripes. The ‘Superba’ cultivar typically has wider leaves than the standard variant. Snake plants are valued for their hardiness and ability to tolerate low light and neglect, making them suitable for indoor environments. 

Sansevieria Zeylanica

Sansevieria Zeylanica is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae. It is also known as the Ceylon bowstring hemp. It is native to Sri Lanka and is popular as an ornamental houseplant worldwide. The plant has long, upright, dark green leaves with light green horizontal stripes. It is known for its durability and ability to tolerate low-light conditions, making it a popular choice for indoor environments.

Sansevieria Moonshine

Sansevieria Moonshine is a popular variety of the Sansevieria plant. It is characterized by its striking silvery-gray leaves with a smooth texture and pointed tips. The Moonshine variant is a compact plant that grows in a rosette form, making it suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. It is known for its resilience and ability to adapt to low-lighting conditions, making it a popular choice for beginners and for adding greenery to various spaces.

Sansevieria Bantel’s Sensation

Sansevieria Bantel’s Sensation is a variant of snake plants, scientifically known as Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Bantel’s Sensation.’ It is a popular indoor plant appreciated for its striking appearance and easy care requirements. Bantel’s Sensation features tall, upright leaves with distinct white variegation on a dark green background, giving it a unique and elegant look. Like other snake plants, it is known for its air-purifying qualities and ability to tolerate low light and neglect.

How to Choose the Best Pot for a Snake Plant?

When choosing a pot for your snake plant, consider the following tips:


For smaller snake plant variants or recently propagated plants, a pot with a 6-8 inches diameter should suffice. This size allows for proper root development and prevents the soil from retaining excess moisture. As the snake plant grows, it may require repotting into a larger container to accommodate its expanding root system. 

For medium-sized snake plants, a pot with a diameter of 10-12 inches should provide enough space to thrive. Finally, larger snake plant varieties can be placed in pots with a 14-16 inches diameter or more, depending on their growth potential.


The best pot material for a snake plant is clay or ceramic. Clay pots are porous and allow for better drainage, which prevents waterlogging and root rot. Ceramic pots also have good drainage capabilities and provide stability for the plant. 

Avoid pots made of materials such as plastic or glass, as they can retain moisture and lead to overwatering. Clay and ceramic pots also provide a more aesthetically pleasing and natural look for showcasing the snake plant’s beautiful foliage.


When selecting a pot for a snake plant, it is best to choose one with a tall and narrow shape. Snake plants have long, upright leaves; a taller pot will provide stability and prevent the plant from toppling over. 

Also, a narrow pot will encourage upward growth and prevent the roots from spreading too wide. Opting for a pot with drainage holes is essential to prevent waterlogging and root rot. Consider using a ceramic or terracotta pot, as they provide good breathability and help regulate moisture levels.


For a snake plant, the best pot in terms of design would be a simple and clean-looking container that complements the plant’s sleek and modern aesthetic. Opt for a pot with a minimalist design, such as a ceramic or terracotta pot in a neutral color like white, black, or gray. 

Avoid pots with intricate patterns or busy designs that may distract from the plant’s natural beauty. Additionally, consider the size of the pot to ensure it provides adequate space for the plant’s roots to grow and breathe.

How to Plant Snake Plants?

To plant snake plants, follow these steps:

  • Prepare the container: Select a well-draining pot slightly larger than the root ball of the snake plant. Ensure it has adequate holes for water drainage to reduce the risk of waterlogging.
  • Soil selection: Snake plants thrive in well-draining soil. Use a commercial potting mix designed for succulents or cacti, or create your mix by combining equal portions of potting soil, sand, and perlite.
  • Choose a healthy plant: Look for a snake plant with firm, green leaves and no signs of pests or diseases. Avoid plants with mushy or discolored leaves.
  • Planting process: Gently remove the snake plant from its nursery by loosening the roots if they appear crowded. Put the plant in the center of the new pot, ensuring it sits around the same level as before. Add soil around the root ball, pressing it gently to eliminate air pockets.
  • Watering: After planting, water the snake plant generously but avoid overwatering. Let the soil dry out partially between each watering session. Snake plants are drought-tolerant, and overwatering them can cause root rot.
  • Light and temperature: Snake plants can adapt to almost any lighting conditions. However, they prefer places with bright, indirect light. Place them near a window but away from direct sunlight. They can tolerate temperatures between 13°C and 29°C (55°F to 85°F).
  • Maintenance: Snake plants are low-maintenance. Water them sparingly, fertilize them using a balanced houseplant fertilizer once every few months during the growing season, and remove dead or yellowing leaves. Rotate the plant occasionally to ensure even growth.
  • Propagation: Snake plants can be propagated easily through division. Once the plant has matured and produced multiple shoots, carefully separate them from the main plant, ensuring each division has roots. Plant the divisions in separate pots following the same planting process.

Remember that snake plants are known for their resilience and high tolerance levels, making them ideal for beginners or those with busy lifestyles.

How to Care for Snake Plants?

Snake plants are popular house plants because of their incredibly low maintenance requirements. Here’s a concise guide on how to care for snake plants:

  • Light: Snake plants require only limited light to survive. However, they thrive best in medium to low indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can singe the plant’s leaves. 
  • Watering: Snake plants are succulent-like plants that store water in their leaves, making them drought-tolerant. Allow the soil to become dry after watering it. Put your finger about an inch deep into the soil; you should water it if the soil feels dry. Overwatering can cause root rot, so it’s better to underwater than overwater.
  • Soil: You can use a potting mix formulated for succulents or cacti. It should be loose and airy to prevent excess moisture retention. Since snake plants don’t require much water, the soil should be able to get rid of any excess efficiently. 
  • Temperature and Humidity: Snake plants are adaptable to a wide temperature range but prefer temperatures between 15°C and 29°C (60°F to 85°F). They can handle lower temperatures for short periods. Average room humidity is suitable, but they can tolerate low humidity conditions.
  • Fertilizer: Snake plants require very little fertilization as they do not feed much. However, you can provide a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength while they are growing, usually around the spring and summertime.
  • Pruning: Snake plants have slow growth rates and rarely require pruning. However, if you notice any brown or yellow leaves, trim the base using clean, sharp scissors or pruners.
  • Propagation: Snake plants are easy to propagate. You can divide the plant by separating the offsets (small plantlets) from the mother plant and repotting them in separate containers. Alternatively, you can propagate snake plants using leaf cuttings by placing a healthy leaf in moist soil until it develops roots.
  • Pests and Problems: Snake plants have good resistance to pests. But mealybugs and spider mites can sometimes affect them. Look out for signs of infestation, such as webbing or tiny insects. Treat the affected areas with either neem oil or a good quality insecticidal soap if necessary.


Do snake plants have deep roots?

Snake plants generally have shallow, fibrous root systems rather than deep roots. Their roots tend to spread horizontally near the surface of the soil. This characteristic makes snake plants adaptable to various growing conditions and allows them to thrive indoors and outdoors.

Do snake plants need deep pots?

Snake plants do not require deep pots. They have shallow root systems and are well-suited to small or medium-sized pots. A pot with a depth of 6 to 8 inches is generally sufficient for accommodating the roots. It’s important to provide good drainage by using a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. The width of the pot is more important than the depth, as snake plants tend to spread horizontally rather than grow deep roots. For instance, if you have an 8-inch snake plant, go for a 10-inch pot. Conversely, if you have a 10-inch snake plant, then a 12-inch would be ideal. 

Should I put rocks in the bottom of my snake plant?

No, you don’t need to put rocks at the bottom of your snake plant’s pot. It is a common myth that adding rocks to the bottom of a plant pot improves drainage. In reality, it can hinder drainage and create pockets of stagnant water. It’s best to use a well-draining potting mix and a drainage hole in the pot to ensure proper water drainage for your snake plant.


Snake plants thrive in well-draining pots with good air circulation, and pots made of terracotta, ceramic, or plastic are suitable for growing snake plants. When choosing the best pot for snake plants, consider the size of the plant, the material of the pot, the drainage holes, and the aesthetics of the pot. Avoid overwatering and allow the soil to become dry between watering sessions. Your snake plant can grow healthy and beautiful with the right pot and care. 

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Jack Daniel

I am Jack Daniel, and I have been gardening for more than 20 years now. I believe that with my years of experience, I can help you with backyard ideas and backyard product reviews. So, with the motto to help anyone facing gardening issues or wanting tips on enhancing the beauty of their backyards, I have created Backyard Muse. So, before anything else, I want to welcome you warmly to my site.


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